Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Retaliation and "The List"

At the GPS School Board meeting last week, many GPS staff members who spoke out mentioned a fear of retaliation from board members.

There has also been discussion about a supposed "list" of certified personnel that one or more school board members may vote not to renew their contract.

I have copied some relevant board policy below.  (highlights are my own, policies are copied directly from GPS website)

My interpretation:
  •          GBA Harassment covers actions by board members
  •           GCB clearly differentiates the Superintendent evaluation from all other personnel.  Policy specifically calls out that the Board shall evaluate the Superintendent.  For all others, board policy indicates that they shall be evaluated.
  •           BCA indicates that the board should delegate authority for administration of schools to the Superintendent.
  •           BCA calls out impartial evaluation of all personnel.
  •           Nowhere does board policy call out the need for the board to review and approve contracts on an individual basis.  Common practice in other districts is for them to be done as a group as part of the consent agenda.  Non-renewals would be the responsibility of the Superintendent prior to board review.
    •      Principal review guidelines are very detailed.  Have board members reviewed all of this information prior to voting?
    •     If a board member is going to vote not to renew someone’s contract, what information is it based on?

Are board members overstepping their authority or violating board policy?  

If you believe so, please contact them by phone or email and let them know you are watching.

GBA - General Prohibition Against Unlawful Discrimination and Harassment
·         The District recognizes its responsibility and is committed to maintaining an employment environment for its staff that is free from unlawful discrimination and harassment, including, but not limited to, race, color, national origin, sex, disability, age, veteran status, or religion towards fellow employees The District prohibits discrimination and harassment by District employees. This policy also covers harassment by third parties not directly subject to District control when such persons are engaged in work related/school-sponsored activities.
BCA – Board member ethics
·         Recognize that decisions should be made only after discussion at publicly held board meetings;
·         Render all decisions based on the available facts and independent judgment, and refuse to surrender that judgment to individuals or special-interest groups;
·         Work with other board members to establish effective Board policies and to delegate authority for the administration of the schools to the Superintendent;
·         Support the employment of persons best qualified to serve as school staff members, and insist on a regular and impartial evaluation of all personnel;
·         Remember always that a board member's first and greatest concern must be the educational welfare of the students attending the public schools.
GCB - Evaluation
·         Superintendent - The Board shall evaluate the Superintendent and review the Superintendent's contract annually by December 31. The term of the Superintendent's contract shall be determined by the Board. In accordance with statute, the term may be for any period not to exceed three years.
·         Assistant and Associate Superintendents - Assistant and Associate Superintendents shall be evaluated annually on or before April 1. The Board shall annually review the contracts of these employees in April. The term of such contracts shall be determined by the Board. In accordance with statute, the term for Assistant or Associate Superintendents may not exceed one year. 
·         Principals and Directors - Principals shall be evaluated annually on or before April 1. The Board shall annually review the contracts of these employees in April. The term of such contracts shall be determined by the Board. In accordance with statute, the term for a Principal or Director may be for any period not exceeding three years. 
·         Assistant Principals - Assistant Principals shall be evaluated annually on or before April 1. The Board shall annually review the contracts of these employees in April. The term of such contracts shall be determined by the Board. In accordance with statute, the term for Assistant Principals may not exceed one year.
·         Teachers and Other Certificated Personnel - Teachers shall be evaluated in accordance with the District's evaluation system. The Board shall annually review the contracts of Teachers and other certificated personnel in April. The term of such contracts shall be determined by the Board. In accordance with statute, the term may not exceed one year.

Saturday, February 15, 2014


Since the school board meeting on Tuesday, several people have been asking questions about attrition.

Here is what I have been able to determine:
- Each board meeting on the consent agenda the employment changes are approved for both certified (teachers and administrators) and classified (support staff) personnel.
- By going through each agenda item, I was able to tabulate the turnover (resignation and retirement) information for the last two years.

This data does a pretty good job of illustrating the concerns raised at the Tuesday night board meeting.  

Attrition of certified personnel increased by 25% from 2012 to 2013.  Classified personnel increased by 18%.

If you are concerned about these numbers, please let the school board know that you expect them to take action:
- Provide annualized turnover data for the past five years
- Conduct exit interviews with those that are leaving
- Place this on a future board agenda for discussion
- Take action to prevent our best and brightest from leaving

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Professionalism and respect for others

Council members Mr.Eddie Cook and Mr. Ben Cooper each spoke at the board meeting on Tuesday night. They talked about the need for strong Gilbert Public School and the need for Board members to work together to get things done.

Working together requires professionalism and respect.  I have highlighted a few examples of recent behavior that I find unacceptable.

Board President Ms. Staci Burk at the beginning of Monday nights special session:
                    Watch at 12:50
                    Ms. Burk - "POINT OF ORDER"
                    GPS Board Meeting Video

Board member Mr. Daryl Colvin responding to public comment and an audience containing many of our best teachers:
                    Watch at 1:48:10
                    Mr. Colvin - "Are you the kinds of people we turn our children over to that exhibit this kind of                       behavior"
                    GPS Board Meeting Video

Board member Mr. Daryl Colvin discussing policy GBEAA, Staff conflict of interest and what to do with gifts that are delivered to staff:
                    Watch at 55:02
                    Mr. Colvin - "You do the logical thing and send it to the school board"
                    GPS Board Meeting Video

If you find it unacceptable as well, please let your board members know.

Police called for applause?

During the public comment at the GPS board meeting on Tuesday night, members of the audience were clapping to express support for public comment speakers.

Board President Staci Burk declares a brief recess and she and Mr. Colvin discuss calling the police.

If you listen closely at 1:27:40, you can hear the following conversation:
- Ms. Burk - OK we are going to take a moment of recess
- Ms. Burk - Daryl wants the police called
- Mr. Colvin - I am going to call the Gilbert PD, we are going to clear this room

                    GPS Board Meeting Video

Fortunately, the meeting continued, the public continued to comment and hopefully board mmbers heard the public loud and clear.

Monday, February 10, 2014

School Choice and my bathtub

Recently, GPS school board President Staci Burk has been supporting HB2256.  In summary, this would allow public school money to go to Private or Religious schools.  This is a misguided attempt to improve education by offering additional choice.

If I come home one night and find my bathtub leaking, I could do what this bill suggests and install another bathtub or I could fix the leak in the one I have.

According to the ADE website, there are currently 45 schools in Gilbert that offer 7th grade. 
                Latest ratings - A – 13     B – 11    C – 8      D – 4      F -1         NR – 8

We don’t need a 46th or 47th alternative for our children.  What we need to do is work together to improve the C, D and F schools that we already have.  However, improving these schools is much harder work than waving the school choice flag.

Please let Ms. Burk and our legislators know that you want them to spend their time working on specific actions that actually improve education.

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Shame on you Mr. Colvin!

Please excuse this slightly longer post - there has been a lot going on with the Superintendency search.

After conducting interviews with the 8 semi-finalists, the board selected 2 finalists - Philip Hickman and Christina DeJesus-Kishimoto.  The minutes have not been approved, but it appears this selection was done on a 4-1 vote with Colvin, Tram, Humphreys and Smith approving.

Now the board will be meeting in special session on Monday, February 10th at 5:45 pm to re-consider this vote.  Snapshot of agenda below:
keep it secret?

The agenda for the board meeting on Tuesday, February 11th at 7 pm as already been posted.  Snapshot of agenda below:

I am already confused, but it gets better.  On a local facebook site, Mr. Colvin is openly advocating for a different candidate and talking down about the two candidates that he voted for as finalists!

Please take time to attend the board meetings on Monday and Tuesday and let them know:
  1. Dwayne Farnsworth with no educational background is not the right candidate for Gilbert Public Schools Superintendent..
  2. You are embarrassed by board members lack of preparation and inability to conduct a Superintendent search. 
  3. You expect board members to live up to their transparency promises and keep the process open and free from political overtones.
  4. You expect board members to listen to the community survey input they requested and select a Superintendent with strong leadership skills, communication ability and a background in education.
We can do better but only if the people of Gilbert show up and voice their opinions!!!