Council members Mr.Eddie Cook and Mr. Ben Cooper each spoke at the board meeting on Tuesday night. They talked about the need for strong Gilbert Public School and the need for Board members to work together to get things done.
Working together requires professionalism and respect. I have highlighted a few examples of recent behavior that I find unacceptable.
Board President Ms. Staci Burk at the beginning of Monday nights special session:
Watch at 12:50
GPS Board Meeting Video
Board member Mr. Daryl Colvin responding to public comment and an audience containing many of our best teachers:
Watch at 1:48:10
Mr. Colvin - "Are you the kinds of people we turn our children over to that exhibit this kind of behavior"
GPS Board Meeting Video
Board member Mr. Daryl Colvin discussing policy GBEAA, Staff conflict of interest and what to do with gifts that are delivered to staff:
Watch at 55:02
Mr. Colvin - "You do the logical thing and send it to the school board"
GPS Board Meeting Video
If you find it unacceptable as well, please let your board members know.
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