I have watched with great interest as several members of the Gilbert School Board have taken a stand against Common Core and several of our state legislators are supporting legislation to limit its implementation.
Why would anyone want our children and our teachers to expect less?
The pro and con arguments have been well publicized in other places. So, I want to focus on one question - What specifically do you disagree with?
Common Core standards exist for Math and English Language Arts. If you hear someone discussing concerns regarding Science or History, you will know that they have not even read the standards.
The standards don't tell teachers what or how to teach. They do describe the competency that a student should have when they complete a particular grade level. Below is an example of ELA Grade 2:
- CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RL.2.1 Ask and answer such questions as who, what, where, when, why, and how to demonstrate understanding of key details in a text.
How about it Ms. Burk, Mr. Colvin, Mrs. Smith, Mr. Farnsworth, Mr. Biggs and Mr. Petersen; can you provide a specific example of a standard that you disagree with?
If not, then please join me in supporting more than 83% of our teachers who believe that these standards will have a positive impact on students.
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