"Meetings would drag on for hours and this keeps them on track"
- Yes, meetings certainly drag on for hours
- No, the public comment is not responsible
- The January 28th meeting was 4hrs in duration and had 51min of public comment
- The February 11th meetings was 4hrs25min in duration and had 59min of public comment
- The Dec 10th meeting was 5hrs46min and had 33min of public comment
- Public comment was 16% of these 3 meetings
- There have been 2 meetings since the new policy was put in place
- The April 8th meeting was 2hrs50min in duration and had 30min of public comment
- The April 22nd meeting was 3hrs51min in duration and had 25min of public comment
- Public comment was 16% of these 2 meetings
- What does make meetings drag on for hours?
- Breaks that take too long
- Board member discussion - especially on non-education topics
"Several of our teachers went to a conference. When they were introduced as being from Gilbert, other teachers snickered and giggled. Other teachers told them that our board meetings are really entertaining."
- Dr. Rice is absolutely right and we should be embarrassed. However, it is not the public comment that others are laughing at. It is the behavior of majority board members acting in ways that are detrimental to public education.
Please don't penalize the citizens of Gilbert for the behavior of a few board members - we are suffering enough already!
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