Monday, February 10, 2014

School Choice and my bathtub

Recently, GPS school board President Staci Burk has been supporting HB2256.  In summary, this would allow public school money to go to Private or Religious schools.  This is a misguided attempt to improve education by offering additional choice.

If I come home one night and find my bathtub leaking, I could do what this bill suggests and install another bathtub or I could fix the leak in the one I have.

According to the ADE website, there are currently 45 schools in Gilbert that offer 7th grade. 
                Latest ratings - A – 13     B – 11    C – 8      D – 4      F -1         NR – 8

We don’t need a 46th or 47th alternative for our children.  What we need to do is work together to improve the C, D and F schools that we already have.  However, improving these schools is much harder work than waving the school choice flag.

Please let Ms. Burk and our legislators know that you want them to spend their time working on specific actions that actually improve education.

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