Friday, June 6, 2014

Is Ron Bellus anti-business?

At the school board candidate forum on Thursday night, Ron Bellus indicated his opposition to Arizona College and Career Ready Standards.

Businesses and Business organizations across the state have come out in favor of the standards including:

  • Arizona Chamber of Commerce and Industry
  • Greater Phoenix Chamber of Commerce
  • Arizona Business and Education Coalition
  • Southern Arizona Leadership Council
  • Arizona Public Engagement Taskforce

Here are a few interesting links as well:

Is Ron Bellus anti-business?  It will be up to you to decide and vote accordingly in November.

1 comment:

  1. I haven't met Ron Bellus, but I think it is a leap to suggest that someone is "anti-business" just because they don't support Arizona College and Career Ready Standards (aka Common Core). There are plenty of liberal and conservative people who have concerns with aspects of Common Core. They may not be opposed to the actual standards, but still have issues with the textbooks, publishing companies, creators, testing, implementation, etc. I just don't think we should assume someone is anti-business just based on this specific question. It may alienate people.


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